Today I have completed the final touches on my new After using my old web domain for many years, I have decided to use a domain name that better reflects the nature of my real estate activity.
The new website will allow both Buyers and Sellers to get up to the minute information on all the newest listings, price reductions, short sales and foreclosures within the Central Oregon region.
I will be adding content to my website so that you, the reader, can receive all the latest news and trends for Bend, Sunriver, Redmond, Sisters, La Pine, Powell Butte, Madras & Prineville real estate activity.
I will be including videos, pictures and other interactive content that allows you to see everything you want, at a glance. I'm always open to suggestions, so please don't hesitate to let me know if there is something you'd like to see on my new website.
My old website, will be redirected to the new website so that anyone still using the old domain name will be forwarded to my new website. I look forward to providing you with a new, amazing website that accomplishes everything you'd like to see.
All My Best,